On this episode of FiredUp, Steve discusses:
- The Coronavirus counts for the week to date. Also 2nd vaccine from Moderna approved and enroute to medical facilities. Projected dose counts for distribution for both approved vaccines.
- Trump administration entertained ides last summer to allow mass infection of covid to create herd immunity, according to news reports released last week.
- National Popular Vote initiative revealed as an alternate to the electoral college. What is it and how might it work?
- New Yorker article discussing how some Republicans secretly relish political life after Trump.
- Holiday spirit - Christmas and Kwanzaa. My wishes for a happy and safe holiday season.
Tune in every Monday at 5:30pm to hear new episodes!
On this episode of FiredUp, Steve breaks down the following trending political stories! - CA Gov Newsom taking a page from the TX Republicans...
This week on FiredUp: · NC Supreme Court passes decisions that could undo Democracy. · CDC halts National Emergency for Covid, making treatment more...
This week on FiredUp: Texas judge rules no discrimination in 18yr olds braided hair case. Alabama AG will not prosecute IVF law violations. New...