In this episode of FiredUp:
- Congresswoman Liz Cheney lost her primary election to a Trump-backed newcomer. What will she be doing going forward after her term, and role on the Jan. 6 Committee end? We examine what she has told of her plans, and it may not be exactly what you’d expect.
- Will the US become a Christian country? There is an effort to make this country a Christian Nationalist nation including the efforts we discussed about a 2nd Constitutional Convention aiming at dramatic revisions or a re-writing of our founding document. We will examine what this means and how it might come about.
- The Biden administration got another win on the legislative front: The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will dramatically lower health costs for those on Medicare or covered under the ACA. What does it mean and how will it help? Of course, the Republicans are not happy about it.
- New details and facts are coming to light regarding the Trump legal team hacking into voting machines in three key swing states after the 2020 election. Can we expect more in 2024? I wouldn’t vote against it.
Brinksmanship - Are the political powers on both sides playing a dangerous game of chicken with us as the victims?
On episode 26 Steve discusses where we are as a country with COVID still here lurking.
Welcome to our new friends in the UK! What is FiredUp all about? A brief introduction. Biden names his VP pick - Sen. Kamala...