This week on FiredUp
· Texas announces plans to replace Houston school admin with white appointed board.
· KY Legislator excoriates house over proposed anti LGBTQ and Gender bill in sound clip.
· Could Florida’s HB 999 bill end Black Fraternities and Sororities on state campuses?
· Thon Hartmann show article shows Republican lack of caring for serious conditions in the US.
Thom Hartmann Article:
The GOP Claims to be the Party of Life - In Fact, They’re the Party of Death (
On this episode of FiredUp, Steve discusses the results of the Trump Impeachment trial and the ramifications going forward.
Todays s show highlighted the 2020 census, asked the question of the process we are using to select our presidential candidates is the best...
This week we will be discussing Choice, Consequences and the Greater Good regarding how the current covid surge is locking up ICU beds all...