This past week Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi, was brutally attacked by an intruder in their home in San Francisco and suffered serious head and other injuries after being struck by the assailant with a hammer. We will talk about the climate of political violence in our country that leads up to such horrible events.
· We are just 9 days from the midterms and over 20 million early votes have already been cast nationwide. We look at the states with the highest vote tallies to date and review the call for all registered voters to GET OUT AND VOTE!
· Using the example of a simple Bike Travel Lane bill for Philadelphia PA, we examine how the Republicans are adopting tactics to isolate the State AG and why we so more “poison pill” types of legislation being introduced at the Federal, State and even Local levels.
On this episode of FiredUp, Steve discusses the following headlines: - Trump names SCOTUS pick 2 days after Ginzburg passes away - fallout- Covid...
This week on the FiredUp Podcast · A New voter restriction from Republicans using mailers and low response rates to drive voter roll purges...
This episode discusses Biden's VP choices and covid-political games.